Welcome to my first blog.
Where I am not sure where to even begin or to even know what to say at the beginning of this, so here goes nothin!
This being my first one and me just being who I am. I want to be real & open and always show my true self, because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t or wasn’t. I’m excited I am writing this as my first one as I have been all over the place
with just ups, downs, and well just all over. I had explained in one of my posts that I did on my social media that I wasn’t believing in myself anymore and I really wasn’t sure who I even was, it wasn’t me, and I knew it wasn’t me.
I wanted to find ‘Kelly.’ Where was the girl I knew? The girl, who never gave up and always pushed herself no matter what, especially when others might have told me that I was crazy for doing and going after what I wanted.
I had lost all of the hope that I did have. As I want to be just an ‘open book’ and share my life experiences & help as many as I can, to hopefully helping maybe help you! We never know what
someone could be going through. I’ve learned a lot about myself these past few weeks and months. I’ve learned to never ‘judge’ a book by its cover, but to look into the pages & maybe hear what they have to say. What’s their story? I’ve
learned that love could be blind and you could be left with so many unknowns about yourself. Let me tell you, it's never YOU, I don’t ever want you to think it's you, even if you don’t have answers or the ones you wanted. I’m here to say as
hard as it is to pick yourself back up again and keep going, you have too. I know it's hard, trust me. I just cried a lot about it and thought it was me and that I wasn’t ever going to be good enough. It's just the total opposite, you are going to
be good enough for someone! Love does some crazy things where it can pick you up and throw you around, even with the unknown being so unknown. I truly believe its all lessons to be learned, I can totally say that now
that it has been some time. I don’t want you to think I just woke up and I was this strong. No, I was the girl who thought of everything single thought that could pass my mind and figure it out as if I was God. I’m not ever going to be God nor even
think I could be him trying to figure it out. I’m here to tell you that maybe we have to keep loving ourselves first, I don’t know what you might be going through, but the lesson for me was, maybe I need to keep working on me through the
inside out. Maybe I need to always believe in myself, no matter what it is. We are all a learning process, we want the answers right then and there. Especially people who have trouble waiting and trusting, this is me raising my hand up to
the sky as high as I can. I’ll be the first to tell you it's hard to have the trusting & waiting because we’d just like to know the simple answers, right? But the catch is, it's telling us to keep believing in ourselves and finding who we are. In the end we will look back and see the process we made along the way. Somewhere, somehow it all makes sense! Just never always in the moment.
After being knocked down it normally is the hardest time to get back up, but yet the strongest time to pull yourself together! I say that to you, not that it is always easy to turn yourself around the next day, week, months or even years, but when you keep working on you, and finding yourself, you become who you want to become. You find your inner strength and you rely on that. You rely on it cause you are strong even when you don’t think you are, even if you have to be the strongest person you can for 30 seconds, you can be! I promise you!
We have the power within us to be as strong as we can & want to be. We find our inner voice and listen to it! I, for myself, wasn’t sure where my inner voice was, but listening to the other shoulder of the wrong voice. Not the little girl inside that I always knew.